Data to the People!
The desire to advance business and increase the availability of valuable business information brought together young enthusiasts who formed a small team in the year of 2012.
Since then, the vision of Marko Radojičić and Milan Popadić has grown from a small team to the leading provider of business information in Serbia. The company currently has 30 employees, each expert in their field.
In addition to assessing credit risk, reporting and monitoring services, CUBE Team deals with the analysis of business markets, trade reports and competition monitoring. Solutions and sales tools are designed for a large number of already operating companies or those who are still planning to enter the Western Balkans market. Whether FMCG, car industry, financial or transport sector, agriculture industry, pharmaceutical industry and telecommunications.
CUBE Team is here to advise and help clients throughout the whole decision-making process. Our solutions and products are designed to improve operations and attract customers. We aim to be partners in our client’s success.
Information, an invaluable currency, those who possess it have the advantage in planning and decision making. This has proved to be a crucial factor for the successful realization of business challenges. CUBE Team exists to provide simple access to business information at any time, from any location.
We firmly believe in the responsibility for the environment and respect for our colleagues, customers and users. The service we provide is of the same level and dedication as the one we demand ourselves.
Each dialogue starts with an open mind and we are always prepared for new challenges, thanks to constantly innovating our services.
Our employees are team members that we want to see advance, learn, and devote time to personal development. This would not be possible without friendly atmosphere where people can and want to spend their time.
Posle školovanja u Sjedinjenim državama, Milan svoje akademsko usavršavanje nastavlja u American College of Greece u Atini gde je vredno gradio svoju profesionalnu karijeru u Coca Cola HBC i nekoliko finansijskih institucija među kojima se izdvajaju Pro Credit Bank i Intesa Leasing na pozicijama vezanim za rizik i kreditnu analizu. Pre nego što je odlučio da partnerski osnuje CUBE Team vršio je poziciju ICAP menadžera zaduženog za Srbiju.
Marko je svoje prve profesionalne korake napravio u porodičnom preduzeću Manik. Godinama je uspešno obavljao fukcjiju prodaje i marketinga zadužen za prodaju i marketing nakon uspešno završenih studija na American College of Greece 2006. godine. U osnovnim studijama naglasak je bio na Preduzetnišvu i Upravljanju malim preduzećem, dok je tokom MBA studija njegov fokus prešao na Globalno poslovanje.
CUBE Team believes and operates with the goal of enabling easy access to business data for everyone, from individuals to legal entities. Current business surrounding is based on data flow and we want to adjust it for our modernized users.
We organize data to be easily accessible by anyone who wants to improve their business.
CUBE Team provides access to data from publicly available, reliable and validated sources. Using the new technologies and expertise of our team, we standardize and present the data in such a way that they are more useful and accessible 24/7. Access is enabled through our database, portal, or API service.
The value of the latest and verified data becomes apparent while making business decisions. With our products you will be able to have an insight into the behavior of the competition and to monitor your customers and suppliers.
That way you are able to:
The data we collect is adapted to the needs of the users and designed to reduce costs. Our goal is to add value and to make positive changes in your business.
Improve your business and work environment with our effective and affordable solutions. Contact our friendly and professional consultants to choose the best solution for your unique business needs.
The appearance of the data depends on you. Choose those that are in accordance with your needs. We offer solutions for certain scenarios such as testing the market with real financial data for:
You set the parameters for which we make reports. Our products are tailored to your business.
We are always looking for dedicated and qualified team members.
Use CUBE Team products on any device to access up to date, reliable, and structured data.